Tassie arts sector problems raised in Parliament

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, delivered the following 90 second statement to the Parliament. “Arts, culture and creativity enrich the lives of all Australians. Yet decades of underinvestment and…

NACC looks good, now to make it happen

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has welcomed the legislation by the Federal Government to establish a National Anti-Corruption Commission. “The crossbench has led the charge when it comes to…

Star scandal highlights need for national inquiry and regulator

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has welcomed the NSW Independent Casino Commission’s decision to suspend Star Entertainment Group’s Sydney casino licence and hit them with a $100 million fine.…

Statement on Marinus Link funding announcement

Tasmania increasing its reliance on renewable energy from 100 per cent to 200 per cent, and exporting the surplus to the mainland through additional Bass Strait cables, is commendable. To…

Crossbench members urge Albanese Government to keep its promise and provide permanent protection to refugees subjected to cruel temporary visa process

The Albanese Government won the 2022 election promising to provide permanent protection for refugees and people seeking asylum who are currently subjected to cruel temporary visas. After a decade of…

Government dodges committing to housing solutions

The Federal Government’s response to my question today in Parliament regarding the housing crisis was underwhelming, to say the least. Yes, the Government is bringing an improved focus to Australia’s…

A good Budget so far as it goes

The Federal Budget is good so far as it goes. It’s more compassionate than what we’ve seen during the previous LNP government’s budgets and it delivers on Labor’s election promises.…

Crime Commission slams clubs and pubs, recommends mandatory anti-money laundering card

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, joined Rev Tim Costello AO to discuss the NSW Crime Commission’s damning findings into money laundering in clubs and pubs. “The damning report by…

Shame on Federal Government for expanding live animal exports

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has slammed the current Federal Government for voting down his motion to disallow the regulation made by the former Federal Government to shorten the…