Andrew Wilkie seeks re-election
Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has announced that he will seek re-election at the next federal election, which is expected before late May next year.
Andrew Wilkie seeks re-election


State Government backflip would betray Tasmanians

Reports the State Government is considering backing down from implementing a nation-leading cashless pre-commitment card for poker machines is very concerning. This would be the first of its kind in…

Macquarie Wharf 6 funding welcome

I welcome today’s announcement that the Federal Government has agreed to provide $188 million to upgrade Macquarie Wharf 6 and provide access for the next 30 years. This is something…

Statement on anniversary of unsuccessful Voice Referendum

It’s been one year since the unsuccessful Voice Referendum and the Federal Government still seems to be avoiding Indigenous issues. Indeed according to the latest Productivity Commission report, only five…

Young Tasmanian calls for action to save Maugean skate

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has delivered a speech, written by 15-year-old work experience student Hannah from Hobart, imploring the Government to act on saving the Maugean Skate from…

I’m an independent MP and don’t favour any political party. I decide every issue on its merits by taking into account the evidence, views of the community and my conscience.


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