Mobile Office
Come and say hello between 9:00am to 10.30am on Wednesday 31 July at Chigwell Shops
As your Independent Member for Clark, I take every opportunity to hear what you have to say. Come along and join the conversation at one of my mobile offices.
Julian Assange finally free
Millions of people around the world, and especially in Australia, will be thrilled that Julian Assange has finalised a plea deal with the United States Department of Justice and is on his way home.
Julian Assange finally free


Government’s Nature Positive Bills seriously deficient

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, moved a series of amendments to the Federal Government’s Nature Positive Bills, which would substantially alter the proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and introduce…

Housing Minister must stop ignoring the housing crisis in her own backyard

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked the Minister for Housing, the Hon Julie Collins, the following in Question Time. Please see above video for full question and response. “Minister…

Tasmanian housing crisis, Federal Government more interested in mainland states

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, delivered the following statement to the Federal Parliament. “With millions of Australians struggling to keep a secure and affordable roof over their heads, there’s…

More pain for gambling addicts while Tasmanian Government drags its feet

“It was disappointing to hear this morning that the nation-leading cashless pre-commitment card for poker machines, that was promised by the Tasmanian Government to be implemented by the end of…

I’m an independent MP and don’t favour any political party. I decide every issue on its merits by taking into account the evidence, views of the community and my conscience.


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