Sloth-like State Government keeps key rail report secret

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has slammed the State Government’s sloth-like approach to activating the Northern Suburbs rail corridor, also calling for the immediate release of the latest report…

Rise of independents

I hope to return next Parliament, and I look forward to more independents joining me so that we can hold the major parties to account and push for the real…

Andrew introduces political donations reform bill

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, introduces a Bill in the Federal Parliament to strengthen the transparency and accountability of political donations in Australia. “Figures released earlier this month by…

Statement on Sportsbet’s spamming fine

Good on ACMA for slapping Sportsbet with $3.7m in fines and penalties for what amounts to predatory marketing in the extreme. But this sickening spam attack also highlights the wider…

Intolerable cruelty of live exports must end

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will again today call for an end to live animal exports amid fears the Department of Agriculture is poised to reduce the prohibition period…

Time for federal intervention in Tasmania’s health system

The refusal by the Health Minister, to my request in Question Time today that the Federal Government intervene in the Tasmanian health crisis, was as deeply disappointing as it was…

Bid to bin religion bill

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has moved an amendment to bin the Religious Discrimination Bill because Tasmania stands to be the biggest loser if it becomes law. Outlining his…

It’s beyond time Tassie banned greyhound racing

Animal lovers were understandably appalled recently when two young dogs were killed and four injured in a single night on an Australian greyhound racing track. While this happened in Townsville,…

Tassie a cellar dweller on political donations disclosure

The latest Australian Electoral Commission figures on political donations show Tasmania remains a cellar dweller when it comes to disclosing the source of electoral funding. To Tasmania’s great shame, the…