Government refuses to budge on miserable GP rebate

It’s shameful that the Federal Government refused to commit to lifting the Medicare GP rebate when I put the question to the Minister for Health, Mark Butler, in Question Time.…

Why Medicare-funded dental care is a must

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has joined Chigwell resident Jane Bridges to call on the Federal Government and ALP to pledge to include basic dental services in Medicare as…

Medicare rebate rise key to curing GP crisis

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has joined Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Tasmania Chair Dr Tim Jackson to talk about the worsening GP shortage in Tasmania and…

Time for federal intervention in Tasmania’s health system

The refusal by the Health Minister, to my request in Question Time today that the Federal Government intervene in the Tasmanian health crisis, was as deeply disappointing as it was…

Federal Government grants $3.4m to Hobart Aquatic Centre

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has welcomed $3.4m in Federal funding for the Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre. The City of Hobart secured the funding from the Building Better…

Thank you nurses

It’s a cliché but it’s true, that nurses are some of the real heroes of this pandemic. Twenty-four hours a day, every day, since the start of Covid our nurses…

Medicare needs teeth

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, said an ABC report of generations in Hobart’s northern suburbs having all their teeth removed illustrates why basic dental care needed to be rolled…

Andrew speaks in Parliament about GPs and bulk-billing

The harm caused by the Government’s chronic under-investment in primary health care, and in the GP Medicare rebate in particular, is shameful. Andrew sees this in his electorate of Clark…

Time to crack down on payday lending

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will introduce the National Consumer Credit Protection Amendment (Small Amount Credit Contract and Consumer Lease Reforms) Bill 2020. The bill will provide better protections for consumers…