Spirit sleight of hand has not fooled consumers

If it sounds too good to be true, it usually is. This old adage certainly applies to the free-car scheme on offer on the State Government’s Bass Strait ferries. Sadly,…

No real relief for those living on struggle street

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, says the Scrooge-like increase to the JobSeeker payment will do next to nothing to ease the pain for Australians living on struggle street. “Returning…

Asylum seekers and refugees are not criminals – their detention is immoral and illegal

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will today introduce a Private Members Bill to end the unlawful mandatory detention of asylum seekers, refugees and non-citizens. The Ending Indefinite and Arbitrary Immigration…

Andrew tables climate petition – Government must ditch fossil fuels for good

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will today present a petition in Federal Parliament calling on the Government to abandon its dangerous and short-sighted plan for a gas-led recovery from…

Andrew speaks about foreign ownership and national security in Federal Parliament

Outrageous that a foreign controlled company is storing our defence data until 2025. A broken government promise putting our national security at risk.

Victorian Crown Casino Royal Commission: About bloody time

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, says the Victorian Royal Commission into Melbourne’s Crown Casino was the only credible option left open to the Victorian Government. “While it’s good news,…

Andrew shares stories of how the COVID supplement helped single mums

This morning Andrew tabled the stories of 58 single mums about how the JobSeeker COVID supplement greatly improved their lives. Hopefully the Government will learn something from them, change policy…

Prime time to get off the poker machine industry payroll

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has called on the State Government to end the legalised corruption in Tasmanian politics by banning donations from the gambling industry and introducing real-time…

Andrew re-introduces the Transparency in Carbon Emissions Accounting Bill in Parliament

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will this morning introduce a Private Members Bill to reveal the true extent of Australia’s contribution to global climate change. The National Greenhouse and Energy…