650% increase in HECS-HELP indexation a crippling blow

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, recently asked Education Minister Jason Clare the following question in Question Time. “The recent six hundred and fifty per cent increase in HECS-HELP indexation…

Time for federal intervention in Tasmania’s health system

The refusal by the Health Minister, to my request in Question Time today that the Federal Government intervene in the Tasmanian health crisis, was as deeply disappointing as it was…

Crossbench leading the integrity charge

Yet again the Government tries to defend its useless integrity agency plan and dodges donation and advertising reform altogether. Contemptuous or clueless, the result is the same. Text of the…

Lockout lifeline desperately needed

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, says it’s illogical and unfair that struggling Tasmanian businesses aren’t being offered the same level of Federal Government COVID support as those in other…

PM sidesteps plea to ease housing crisis

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has slammed the Federal Government’s reluctance to unlock new solutions to the housing affordability crisis. “Today in Question Time I urged the Prime Minister…

It’s as easy as two clicks: Govt confirms it has no idea about Centrelink processes

“The Government’s response to my question in Question Time today goes to show that it’s still in denial over the significant problems with Centrelink and its debt recovery systems,” Mr…

Andrew’s question to Prime Minister on cutting funding to homelessness services under the ERO deal

The Government’s admission in Question Time today that the funding supplement for homelessness services under the Equal Renumeration Order deal will cease in the middle of the year is deeply…

Is TT-Line COVID subsidy a mean-spirited con?

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister’s commitment to investigate allegations that Spirit of Tasmania ferry fares have risen, not fallen, during a “free vehicle”…

Automated data-matching reminiscent of Robodebt

The Prime Minister’s dismissal of Independent Member for Clark Andrew Wilkie’s question, during Question Time today, shows just how out of touch the Federal Government is with the deep distress…