Housing Minister must stop ignoring the housing crisis in her own backyard

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked the Minister for Housing, the Hon Julie Collins, the following in Question Time. Please see above video for full question and response. “Minister…

Julian Assange’s return home welcome

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked Prime Minister Anthony Albanese the following in Question Time. See above video for full question and response. “Prime Minister millions of people around…

Prime Minister dodges gambling advertising ban

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked Prime Minister Anthony Albanese whether he would commit to implementing a gambling advertising ban. Please see above for full question and answer. “The…

Action on gambling harm urgently needed

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked Prime Minister Anthony Albanese the following in Question Time. “Prime Minister it’s almost a year since the Standing Committee on Social Policy and…

Australian Government stands behind Julian Assange

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked Prime Minister Anthony the following in Question Time. See above video for full question and response. “Prime Minister a great many Australians would…

Wilkie pushes for an end date for live sheep exports

“It was disappointing that the Federal Government continued to refuse to provide a timeline for the phase out of live sheep exports to the Middle East when I put the…

Forensic services need their own forensic going over

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus KC the following in Question Time. Please see above for full question and response. “Attorney given the catastrophic failings with…

Government on thin ice when it comes to Antarctica

Tasmania is the home and the heart of Antarctic research in Australia. But now more than ever before, our Antarctic presence is on thin ice. All levels of Government need…

Government still out to get whistleblowers

 “It was disappointing that the Attorney-General dodged my question on whether he would drop the charges against whistleblowers David McBride and Richard Boyle. “Both McBride and Boyle have done the…