It’s beyond time for Tassie to embrace electric vehicles

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has joined Good Car Company founder Anthony Broese van Groenou to discuss Tasmania’s rising fuel prices and the role electric vehicles (EVs) can play…

Statement on Julian Assange

Like many others, I’m bitterly disappointed to hear that WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s bid to appeal against his extradition to the US has been refused by a UK court. His…

State needs a rottweiler, not a shih tzu

The latest Australia Institute report on Tasmania’s Integrity Commission is being kind to call the Commission “weak”. More accurate would be “completely useless”. It sure ain’t any kind of watchdog…

Statement on the UTAS relocation

I have said from the start that I support the UTAS relocation so long as all reasonable community concerns are addressed. So far they have not been, as evidenced by…

Medicare rebate rise key to curing GP crisis

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has joined Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP) Tasmania Chair Dr Tim Jackson to talk about the worsening GP shortage in Tasmania and…

Make this duck hunting season the last

How anyone can take pleasure from shooting a duck is beyond me. Moreover, there’s simply no way to hunt ducks in a humane way because there will always be a…

Dodgy donations leave dark stain on democracy

There’s no escaping the fact that Australians’ faith in politicians is at an all-time low, but just how do we rebuild this dwindling trust? Overhauling our political donations framework would…

What does this Government have to hide?

This morning I was joined by Helen Haines MP, Adam Bandt MP, Bob Katter MP, Rebekha Sharkie MP, Bridget Archer MP and John Alexander MP to call again for a…

Andrew speaks about the Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill

Once again, both major parties pander to racism, bigotry and xenophobia for political gain. Shameful.