Wilkie welcomes decision to drop charges against Bernard Collaery

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has welcomed the news that the Commonwealth Attorney-General, the Hon Mark Dreyfus QC, has ordered the Commonwealth to drop the charges against Bernard Collaery.…

Mac Point proof Tasmanian Government couldn’t organise a piss-up at a brewery

When I joined then Infrastructure Minister Anthony Albanese at Macquarie Point in 2012 to announce $50 million in remediation funding, I called on the State Government not to ‘stuff it…

New Australian Government Abandons Julian Assange

The decision by the UK Government overnight to approve the extradition of Julian Assange to the US, to face trumped up espionage and other charges, is an outrageous betrayal of…

Super housing plan risks harming those it’s trying to help

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has warned the Federal Government’s plan to allow young Australians to access their superannuation to help fund a house deposit could end up hurting…

Buy-now, pay-later schemes land many in serious strife

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has backed a national call from a community coalition to better regulate buy-now, pay-later (BNPL) and payday lending schemes, citing the case of a…

Why a National Housing Strategy is a top priority

While government schemes to give aspiring home-owners a leg up into a difficult property market are welcome, precious little is being done for those trapped on the rental roundabout or…

PM increasingly hysterical about the indies

The allegation by the Prime Minister this morning on ABC’s AM program with Sabra Lane, that independent parliamentarians and candidates are a threat to Australia’s security, is a shameful slur…

Both Libs and Labor must lift their game on NDIS

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has called on the major parties to commit to ending age discrimination in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and enshrining funding based on…

Both Libs and Labor must lift their game on NDIS

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has called on the major parties to commit to ending age discrimination in the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) and enshrining funding based on…