Where are the hundreds of missing greyhound puppies?

Independent Member for Clark Andrew Wilkie will join Let Greyhounds Run Free to demand an investigation into the fate of 262 greyhound pups that disappeared in Tasmania between 2016 and…

Government apology for dodgy robodebt must extend to Centrelink staff

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will join with the Community & Public Sector Union to call on the Federal Government to apologise to Centrelink staff for putting them through…

Woolworths ignoring COVID laws and risking lives

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has released images of the dangerous flaunting of physical distancing laws by a Woolworth-owned hotel in Hobart, amid widespread reports of COVID law-breaking in…

Another ship stuffed with live sheep heading off for the northern-hemisphere summer

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, is demanding the Federal Government stop a ship with 56,000 sheep sailing from Fremantle to Kuwait tomorrow. The Al Kuwait is due to leave Western Australia…

Andrew Wilkie meeting Federal Government today to make the case for a Greater Hobart rescue package

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will today take the case for a COVID-19 rescue package for Greater Hobart straight to Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, who is also the…

Greater Hobart on the radar in Canberra

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, had a positive virtual conference this afternoon with Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, who is also the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development,…

FIRB must prevent foreign raids on temporarily undervalued Australian companies

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has called on the Federal Treasurer to ensure the Foreign Investment Review Board conducts more stringent assessments and applies more stringent criteria in the…

International Criminal Court agrees Australia’s treatment of asylum seekers breaches international law

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will hold a press conference today to discuss the International Criminal Court’s response, received yesterday, to his referral that the Australian Government’s treatment of…

$30m Hobart social housing package reaches milestone

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will join the Hon Luke Howarth MP, Assistant Minister for Community Housing, Homelessness and Community Services, and Bob Gordon, Chair of the Supported Affordable…