Vape changes very welcome news

The proposed changes announced by Federal Minister for Health, Mark Butler, regarding a crackdown on non-prescription vapes, also known as e-cigarettes, is very welcome news. The use of vapes is…

Macquarie Point stadium – unconscionable, unnecessary, extravagant and unpopular

It is simply unfathomable that the Tasmanian Liberal and Federal Labor governments are committed to funding a new stadium at Macquarie Point. We already have two quality stadiums in UTAS…

Online gambling credit card ban welcome

The Federal Government’s proposed ban on the use of credit cards for online gambling is excellent news. Obviously gamblers should only be allowed to gamble with money they actually possess,…

Remembering and acknowledging the Armenian Genocide

Today (24 April 2023) we commemorate the 108-year anniversary of the Armenian Genocide and remember the lives lost during the tragic event. The Government of the Ottoman Empire taking the…

Stage 3 tax cuts completely out of step with community needs

New research that the Stage 3 tax cuts will do very little to help low and middle-income earners, but provide a huge windfall to high-income earners, highlights the deep unfairness…

Federal Government fails to stop children gambling

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, discussed the Federal Government’s dangerous reforms to the National Classification Scheme. “The fact that the Government intends to only introduce a classification of M…

ATO whistleblower setback, urgent need for law reform

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, discussed the decision by the South Australian District Court to dismiss Richard Boyle’s whistleblowing defence. Mr Boyle is being prosecuted for blowing the whistle…

Time to reform war powers

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked Prime Minister Anthony Albanese the following question. Please check against delivery. See video for full question and response. “Prime Minister it’s 20 years…

Iraq invasion 20 years on

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, discussed the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Mr Wilkie is the former Senior Intelligence Analyst who resigned a week before the invasion…