A Labor Budget … just

“This Government’s budgets have been markedly better than the budgets brought down by their predecessor. They are more compassionate, and we see evidence of that in this budget, with more…

Wilkie speaks on the 2024 Tasmanian Election

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, discussed the important issues facing the community in the lead up to the 2024 Tasmanian election in a speech to the Federal Parliament. Please…

Time to reform war powers

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, asked Prime Minister Anthony Albanese the following question. Please check against delivery. See video for full question and response. “Prime Minister it’s 20 years…

Iraq invasion 20 years on

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, discussed the 20th anniversary of the invasion of Iraq. Mr Wilkie is the former Senior Intelligence Analyst who resigned a week before the invasion…

Fuel security solution staring us in the face

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has called on the Federal Government to immediately deliver on its promise to subsidise a fleet of Australian-flagged liquid fuel carriers to help provide…

Andrew speaks about the international arms trade

Deputy Speaker, the Government has made no secret of their plan to make military technology one of Australia’s top exports. And this plan is working, with some $5bn worth of…

Andrew speaks in Parliament on the Critical Infrastructure Bill

Genuine national security needs an holistic response including cyber security, hardened infrastructure to survive increasing climate-related natural disasters, and tighter foreign investment rules.

Parliament should call the shots on war powers

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, says the decision to send Australians to war cannot continue to rest with the Prime Minister alone because such a serious matter deserves a…

Andrew Wilkie seconds the Repatriation of Defence Data Bill 2021

You can’t make this stuff up – no Australian security data should be in the custody of any foreign owned company. That’s why I support the Repatriation of Defence Data…