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Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has delivered a speech, written by 15-year-old work experience student Hannah from Hobart, imploring the Government to act on saving the Maugean Skate from extinction. Please see above video for full speech.

Mr Wilkie shared Hannah’s words.

“Previously there have been complaints about the environmental impacts of salmon agriculture by the public, but we have been kept in the dark. And only recently have the fatal conditions of Macquarie Harbour been revealed, showing its devastating impact on the Maugean skate.

“There is overwhelming evidence that salmon farming is the key issue endangering Maugean skate. Despite a promise by Minister Plibersek to reconsider federal approvals for salmon farming in Macquarie Harbour last year, the Government has taken no further action.

“Do we really have the right to ignorance, to turn a blind eye and watch as the Maugean skate becomes extinct?

“Hear me now when I say that immediate political action is essential for the ancient Maugean skate to survive, and if not, there will only be governments and the salmon farming industry to blame.”

“Hannah’s speech demonstrates how important this issue is to many Tasmanians,” Mr Wilkie said. “For too long the Tasmanian salmon industry has made staggering profits while ignoring the environment. Salmon is obviously an important industry in Tasmania; however Tasmanians are sceptical about the alleged economic benefits to the state given the long-term costs to our environment. I echo Hannah’s call for the Federal Government to act now, and finally reign in the salmon industry to save the skate.”