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Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, moved an amendment to the Federal Government’s Future Made in Australia Bill which would ensure that neither stream of the National Interest Framework can be used to invest in or support fossil fuels, nuclear power or carbon capture and storage.

“The Future Made in Australia Bill is a welcome step in the right direction from the Government, but there is a glaring loophole in it that needs closing,” Mr Wilkie said. “And that is, that despite being touted as a game changing investment in clean energy industries, jobs and exports, under this legislation there is no requirement for these investments to actually be clean and green.

“Drawing on the work and recommendations of the Australian Conservation Foundation, my amendment closes this loophole and prohibits investment in fossil fuels, nuclear power or carbon capture and storage under either stream of the National Interest Framework.

“The potential benefits of the net zero transition and this Bill for job creation and skills development, local communities, and the environment are obvious to anyone who’s been paying attention. This legislation just needs to make sure it’s set up and powered by renewable energy and industries, and not off the back of continued investment in climate-wrecking fossil fuels or green-washed non-solutions such as nuclear and carbon capture and storage.

“It’s all too clear that neither the climate crisis, nor the economic reality, leave room for continued misguided investments from Government in fossil fuels, nuclear or carbon capture and storage. The fossil fuel industry is rapidly strangling our planet and it is long past time this Government acted with clarity and urgency on the climate emergency.”