Andrew’s question to the Prime Minister on retaining the JobSeeker rate

“Prime Minister on 31 December unemployment benefits are scheduled to return to $40 a day. For many people this will be a devastating start to the new year, impacting their…

Andrew Wilkie speaks on the Aged Care Legislation Amendment (Improved Home Care Payment) Bill

Australia is wealthy. There’s no doubt that the Federal Government can afford to properly fund Home Care Packages, ensure residential aged care is safe and comfortable, and ensure our wonderful…

Andrew speaks on the Recycling & Waste Reduction Bill 2020

The Recycling and Waste Reduction Bill 2020 is OK but doesn’t go far enough. But it was a very good example of the Federal Government greenwashing its credentials – exactly like they…

Andrew moves Climate Change Motion in Federal Parliament

The science is clear: gas is a fossil fuel, not a transition fuel, and carbon capture and storage is an expensive furphy. The Federal Government must immediately stop extraction and…

Andrew Wilkie speaks on the National Commissioner for Defence and Veteran Suicide Prevention Bill

The Federal Government’s Commission for Defence & Veterans Suicide does not go far enough. What’s needed is Royal Commission. Anything less is a band aid and goes to show the…

Andrew tables Youth Survival Report in Federal Parliament

The Real Youth Survival Report 2020 was prepared as part of Colony 47’s Backswing project, and shows how Tasmania’s housing crisis impacts young people’s lives, mental health and chances of…

Crown Casino’s political protection racket continues

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, today moved a motion in the Federal Parliament calling on the Government to establish a Royal Commission into Crown Casino. Neither the Government nor…

Federal Government ignores black summer bushfire inquiry!

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, says the community would be shocked by the Federal Government’s dismissal of his question in Parliament today about Australia’s RAAF firefighting capability. The Minister…

Andrew speaks in Parliament about the greyhound industry

“Deputy Speaker the head of Tasmania’s Greyhound Adoption Program has been found guilty of racing a drugged dog and is currently suspended. “Now I would have thought it to be…