Andrew Wilkie meeting Federal Government today to make the case for a Greater Hobart rescue package

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will today take the case for a COVID-19 rescue package for Greater Hobart straight to Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, who is also the…

Greater Hobart on the radar in Canberra

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, had a positive virtual conference this afternoon with Deputy Prime Minister Michael McCormack, who is also the Minister for Infrastructure, Transport and Regional Development,…

A statement on Northern Suburbs Light Rail System

The community would be very concerned at the argy-bargy between the Macquarie Point Development Corporation and the Glenorchy City Council over whether or not a proposed road at Macquarie Point…

Adjournment speech on State Government incompetence in delivering vital infrastructure projects

Speaker my home state of Tasmania is the best place in the world to live. But its governance is appalling, and if you hand a Tasmanian state government a great…