Time for federal intervention in Tasmania’s health system

The refusal by the Health Minister, to my request in Question Time today that the Federal Government intervene in the Tasmanian health crisis, was as deeply disappointing as it was…

Bid to bin religion bill

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has moved an amendment to bin the Religious Discrimination Bill because Tasmania stands to be the biggest loser if it becomes law. Outlining his…

It’s beyond time Tassie banned greyhound racing

Animal lovers were understandably appalled recently when two young dogs were killed and four injured in a single night on an Australian greyhound racing track. While this happened in Townsville,…

Tassie a cellar dweller on political donations disclosure

The latest Australian Electoral Commission figures on political donations show Tasmania remains a cellar dweller when it comes to disclosing the source of electoral funding. To Tasmania’s great shame, the…

We can’t see the forest for the trees

Since the recent global climate summit in Glasgow, the argument for keeping trees in the ground has never been more compelling. And in Tasmania, our forests are an impressive case…

Small businesses dealt low blow by insurance industry

As if small businesses are not doing it tough already, there is a growing trend of insurance companies refusing to provide cover to small businesses, or charging sky-high prices for…

Let’s show our elders a little more respect

“Shocked, bullied and panicked” … that’s how Hobart octogenarian Jan* felt upon opening a letter from Centrelink demanding she supply financial records dating back an eye-popping 17 years. “I’m just…

Forests worth more standing

Protecting our forests is a straightforward way to slow dangerous climate change. Across Australia, and particularly in Tasmania, it’s simple – forests soak up carbon and cutting them down releases…

Age Pensioners now being targeted by Centrelink’s useless automated systems

Law-abiding Age Pensioners are the vulnerable people now targeted by Centrelink in what I can only describe as a new low. Rather than recouping the billions of dollars in JobKeeper…