Make this duck hunting season the last

How anyone can take pleasure from shooting a duck is beyond me. Moreover, there’s simply no way to hunt ducks in a humane way because there will always be a…

Dodgy donations leave dark stain on democracy

There’s no escaping the fact that Australians’ faith in politicians is at an all-time low, but just how do we rebuild this dwindling trust? Overhauling our political donations framework would…

What does this Government have to hide?

This morning I was joined by Helen Haines MP, Adam Bandt MP, Bob Katter MP, Rebekha Sharkie MP, Bridget Archer MP and John Alexander MP to call again for a…

Andrew speaks about the Migration Amendment (Strengthening the Character Test) Bill

Once again, both major parties pander to racism, bigotry and xenophobia for political gain. Shameful.

Sloth-like State Government keeps key rail report secret

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has slammed the State Government’s sloth-like approach to activating the Northern Suburbs rail corridor, also calling for the immediate release of the latest report…

Rise of independents

I hope to return next Parliament, and I look forward to more independents joining me so that we can hold the major parties to account and push for the real…

Andrew introduces political donations reform bill

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, introduces a Bill in the Federal Parliament to strengthen the transparency and accountability of political donations in Australia. “Figures released earlier this month by…

Statement on Sportsbet’s spamming fine

Good on ACMA for slapping Sportsbet with $3.7m in fines and penalties for what amounts to predatory marketing in the extreme. But this sickening spam attack also highlights the wider…

Intolerable cruelty of live exports must end

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will again today call for an end to live animal exports amid fears the Department of Agriculture is poised to reduce the prohibition period…