Greyhound racing must be banned

“New EMRS polling revealing that more than 60 per cent of Tasmanians oppose greyhound racing further highlights the need for this cruel industry to end. Add to the fact that…

Damning footage highlights again the need to ban live exports

“ABC 7:30’s investigation into animal cruelty in the live export trade to the Middle East further highlights the need for this terrible trade to end. Footage of sheep being slaughtered…

Beyond time to shut greyhound industry down

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has called for a complete ban on greyhound racing. Please see above video for full speech to the Federal Parliament. “It’s no secret that…

Federal Government ducking responsibility on animal welfare

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, moved an amendment to the Inspector-General of Live Animal Exports Amendment (Animal Welfare) Bill 2023 to provide stronger protections for animals. Please see above…

Cruel greyhound industry must be shut down

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, joined Greens Leader Cassy O’Connor MP to discuss the revelation that the Tasmanian greyhound industry is breeding more dogs than it needs for racing,…

Shame on Federal Government for expanding live animal exports

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has slammed the current Federal Government for voting down his motion to disallow the regulation made by the former Federal Government to shorten the…

Shame on Federal Government for expanding live animal exports

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has slammed the current Federal Government for voting down his motion to disallow the regulation made by the former Federal Government to shorten the…

Wilkie seizes chance to wind back live sheep exports

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has lodged a motion to disallow the regulation made by the former Federal Government that shortens the northern summer live sheep export trade prohibition…

Statement on resumption of live sheep exports

It’s abhorrent that the decision has been made to roll back a ban on exporting sheep to some areas of the Middle East during the northern hemisphere’s blistering summer months.…