Wharf rots while Rome burns

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, discussed the impasse between the Federal and State governments over port facilities for the RSV Nuyina, as well as the possibility of Hobart losing…

A Labor Budget … just

“This Government’s budgets have been markedly better than the budgets brought down by their predecessor. They are more compassionate, and we see evidence of that in this budget, with more…

Wilkie speaks on the 2024 Tasmanian Election

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, discussed the important issues facing the community in the lead up to the 2024 Tasmanian election in a speech to the Federal Parliament. Please…

Flaw in Paid Parental Leave program must be fixed

“It’s unfathomable that PhD candidates are ineligible for Paid Parental Leave because their work is not included in the scheme’s current work test. PhD candidates and graduates make significant contributions…

Government commits to reform anti-discrimination laws

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, moved amendments to the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Secure Jobs, Better Pay) Bill 2022 to replace the words ‘intersex status’ with ‘sex characteristics’. “These amendments, quite…

Getting into the spirit of lower taxes

Reducing the whopping tax burden on Tasmania’s award-winning whisky, vodka and gin producers will free up funds to help many local businesses flourish. Less than 10 years ago, there were…

Andrew’s question to the Prime Minister on retaining the JobSeeker rate

“Prime Minister on 31 December unemployment benefits are scheduled to return to $40 a day. For many people this will be a devastating start to the new year, impacting their…

Andrew tables Youth Survival Report in Federal Parliament

The Real Youth Survival Report 2020 was prepared as part of Colony 47’s Backswing project, and shows how Tasmania’s housing crisis impacts young people’s lives, mental health and chances of…

We owe our youth secure housing and a living income

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, will join a group of young unemployed Tasmanians in Anti-Poverty Week to hear how the housing crisis negatively impacts their lives, mental health and…