A Labor Budget … just

“This Government’s budgets have been markedly better than the budgets brought down by their predecessor. They are more compassionate, and we see evidence of that in this budget, with more…

Wilkie speaks on the 2024 Tasmanian Election

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, discussed the important issues facing the community in the lead up to the 2024 Tasmanian election in a speech to the Federal Parliament. Please…

Lockout lifeline desperately needed

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, says it’s illogical and unfair that struggling Tasmanian businesses aren’t being offered the same level of Federal Government COVID support as those in other…

Andrew shares stories of how the COVID supplement helped single mums

This morning Andrew tabled the stories of 58 single mums about how the JobSeeker COVID supplement greatly improved their lives. Hopefully the Government will learn something from them, change policy…

Is TT-Line COVID subsidy a mean-spirited con?

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has welcomed the Deputy Prime Minister’s commitment to investigate allegations that Spirit of Tasmania ferry fares have risen, not fallen, during a “free vehicle”…

Andrew Wilkie speaks on the Social Services Amendment (Extension of Coronavirus Support) Bill 2020

Australia is a fabulously wealthy country. We can afford to look after our most disadvantaged. Anything else is poverty by design and we shouldn’t tolerate it.

Andrew speaks on the Social Services Amendment (Coronavirus and Other Measures) Bill

All Australians on government pensions and payments need to live with dignity on a living income above the poverty line. So the Federal Government must not cut the Jobseeker rate…

Awash with secrecy, government risks eroding public trust

What’s with all the state secrets? I’m the first to say the state government has done a good job keeping us safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. But I’m growing increasingly…

Woolworths ignoring COVID laws and risking lives

Independent Member for Clark, Andrew Wilkie, has released images of the dangerous flaunting of physical distancing laws by a Woolworth-owned hotel in Hobart, amid widespread reports of COVID law-breaking in…