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I welcome today’s announcement that the Federal Government has agreed to provide $188 million to upgrade Macquarie Wharf 6 and provide access for the next 30 years. This is something I have long campaigned for, having lobbied the Prime Minister and Federal Environment Minister personally to convey my concerns about the future of the Australian Antarctic Program in Tasmania.

Improved wharf facilities and a refuelling solution will provide long-overdue certainty that our icebreaker, the RSV Nuyina, can continue to be based in Hobart and it means Hobart will remain central to the important work of the Australian Antarctic Division for many years to come.

The current state of Macquarie Wharf 6, and the time it has taken for the Tasmanian Government to finally come to the table, is nothing short of shameful. Governance in Tasmania, and TasPorts in particular, is woeful right now and I applaud the Federal Government for pushing the matter to fruition.